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Swine Flu|What is Swine flu|Symptoms of Swine flu|How to prevent from Swine flu|

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Swine Flu|What is Swine flu|Symptoms of Swine flu|How to prevent from Swine flu|

Swine Flu |Swine Flu Symptoms|Swine Flu prevention |Swine Flu|What is Swine flu|Symptoms of Swine flu|How to prevent from Swine flu|Home remedies for Swine flu

Though Swine Flu is seen as an outbreak in Mexico and has reached the shores of India, it will be better to know about Swine Flu, its symptoms and the preventive measures against this disease, to prevent its spread across the globe.
What is Swine Flu and does it affect People?

Swine Flu is a respiratory disease in pigs, caused by a virus. The swine flu virus routinely causes outbreaks in pigs but doesn’t usually kill many of them. Swine flu viruses doesn’t usually infect human beings. However, people who have had direct contact with infected pigs, such as farm workers, may contract this disease. swine flu outbreak has been reported in the Mexico-U.S borders and is threatening to spread to other countries. The disease is now believed to be spread from human to human.

Human to Human transmission can occur with casual contact or airborne transmission, like when one sneezes or coughs. However, eating pork products will not cause one to develop the swine flu. Eating properly handled and cooked pork and pork products is safe. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160°F kills the swine flu virus as it does other bacteria and viruses.
Symptoms Of Swine Flu In Humans?

The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include

* fever,
* lethargy,
* Lack of Appetite,
* Cough,
* Running Nose,
* Sore Throat,
* Nausea,
* Headaches,
* Joint Pains,
* Body Aches,
* Vomiting and
* Diarrhea

How to Protect against Spine Flu?

The CDC recommends routine precautions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like Spine Flu. These include

* Washing hands routinely with soap and warm water,
* Covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze and
* Avoiding close contact with sick people

Wearing a N99 mask, such as the Wein ViraMask may be helpful. N99 masks provide 100 x more protection than a N95 mask. If you are planning on traveling by air, having one available would be a good idea.

If you contract the swine flu, there are 2 flu medications which can be helpful. The CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses. These medications can also be used for the usual avian influenza. Remember- most with flu symptoms simply have a viral infection and NOT the Swine Flu.

Home Remedies for Swine Flu:

Use “Nilgiri Oil” drops on handkerchiefs and masks as one of the preventive measures against swine flu (N I V) National Institute of Vairology. Don’t know whether its true. But one this is true that Nilgiri Oil can surely be helpful in curing running nose which is one on the symptoms of Swine Flu.

Influenzinum is Used for emergency preparedness for flu mutations or for use when new strains are not available, such as the bird flu or current swine flu concern.

Influenzinum is a great flu defense to prevent spreading the flu and for relief of flu symptoms during fall, winter and spring illnesses.

Homeopathic Influenzinum has several differences from flu vaccine. Homeopathy is safely taken by mouth, is diluted and contains no molecules of virus, is not injected, and is without allergy causing whole proteins, eggs or preservatives, such as mercury.

Avoid the dangers of the flu shot and chemicals. Vaccine sprays can perpetuate spread of illness with live viruses. Vaccines suppress your system and should not be given if already ill. There are no contraindications to homeopathy. Homeopathic Influenzinum stimulates the body’s own defense system to resist the onset of flu.

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